Packing the K Blink pouch (Febuary 2021)

Packing the K Blink pouch (Febuary 2021)

The pouch for K Blink is designed for tightly packed with the K Blink with long cables and plug, spare bulb drawer and battery compartment.
There is a diagram on the lid as a guild for packing.
Tried many times not to follow it but unable to close the lid without obstruction.
After many attempts found out the only and best way is to follow the diagram, the spike has to adjusted to point upward and insert the lamp unit into the pouch end first.
The switch must be on top of the battery compartment and laying out the cable along the pouch and finally the plug has to be on top of the lamp unit.
Then the lid can be close and lock without any undue force,
Interesting and typical German engineering but why not make a larger pouch?

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