Map Board project update 13 Nov 2022

Map Board project update 13 Nov 2022

I am sorry for the delay and the late reply to the buyers as it is far behind schedule.

The delay is due to the busy schedule of the carpenter on October; he went to install a huge wooden staircase aboard.

As our German carpenter has skills, equipment and most important good wood in stock, his successful and profitable workshop are aim on large projects but luckily still entertaining my tiny but time consuming map board project in between.

He is back to workshop and we had work out that the map board orders will be produce in three to four batches and send to me by post for fitting metal/leather hardware within two to three months.

The new delivery schedule will be base on the order sequence and will be inform individually.

We are all expecting a quality long lasting product not a hasty assembly piece of wood, the waiting is all worthwhile.


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