My Collection

GD M36 tunic completion by Soldat FHQ

Original M36 tunic and medals from a GD soldat, Cyrus Lee of Soldat FHQ completed the document for medals and gave life to the tunic, the family now own a completed memory of their ancestor served in GD and fatherland. Here the project for the fallen Oberfeldwebel from IR GD. KIA during the Battle of…
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Fabric by Bud L O’Toole-1

Bud O’Toole was the pioneer of the replica German camo, usually he bought an original for pattern, located the fabric then hire a technician to hand print the fabric. This was one of the tunic made by his pattern and Fabric in 1978; This was based on the pattern of the Denim tunic and built…
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Bud L O’Toole–my friend my mentor

Bud L O’Toole Bud in a show on May 1981 in his Splinter outfit This was my 2004 post on my Blog ‘Unteroffizer Simon Klaus’. This is the one of the two photos I have of my friend Bud, in another pic he wore a big cowboy hat made a dark shade on his face.…
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Torn Fu d2 replica-the very beginning

It was on 2015, the very beginning of the Torn Fu d2 project, just found a resin front plate from Brad Blondet. This was what I wrote on FB: (Nowhere to find this post on my FB Page its just disappeared. Saving my posts is essential) Searched on the net and wrote many mails to…
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Rkr31 complete set

The Rkr 31 Richtkreis aiming circle with its accessories and carrying case. The box been removed all details inside after the war and the optic unit been repainted in Norwegian green. Now almost back to its former glory and waiting for it rod stand to complete.  

My Torn Fu d2 replica, completed

I post this set on 2015 and still amazed how I went through this in my tiny room. It took me 18 months on this project, together with the electronics behind the front panel. Learned a lot and made many friends during the process. Years ago saw a replica d2 radio on forum and knew…
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