Stationkasten Original

Stationklasten Content List (15 March 2021)

After too many mistakes on my poor German translation from schwabacher, my German friend sent me the correct contain list of the Stationkasten. Both German and English lists are here: 1 Stationskasten, enthaltend 1 Rolle mit 100 m Erdleitungsdraht 1 Stück Kreide 1 Rolle mit 100 m Wachsdraht 1 Tube oder Büchse mit 50 g…
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Stationkasten Restoration–2 (13 Feb 2021)

When I dug out my period pencils and filled the pencil holder found the lid can’t be close, the long pencils crushed with the spools.The pics of the originals and the manual shown the the tray on the lid was facing the other way.After reinstalled the tray, the lid closed perfectly even filled with long…
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Stationkasten Restoration–1 (9 Feb 2021)

Very lucky to obtained an empty Stationkasten which was not within the seller’s collection range.The box been strapped all its partitions after the war for other usage and survived for decades.Now I have the chance to rebuild all the parts by the help from my friend who own an original box.He took the detail measurements…
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