Happy User Feed Back Intercom 2.0 on Panzer II

Happy User Feed Back Intercom 2.0 on Panzer II

So happy to received feed back from Intercom 2.0 user.

He is building  Panzer II replica and almost completed the inertial installation.

Here is what he wort in forum:

Recently I have been getting the radio’s, intercoms working. I had intended to use Clansman units but when I was browsing the net looking for rubber ear pads for the headphones, I came across the web site  whrestorer. I bought a set of headphones and was so impressed that bought a complete kit. When you compare the headphones and throat mikes to originals, they really are the dog dangley bits, of course I have association with said company.

Anyway the radios are in and the intercoms are working, I am happy to say that the slip ring / rotary coupling works well and the only problem that I had was with a Clansman cable. It was second hand and had, at some time, been repaired but before I soldered the new plugs on the end I tested it and all the wires were fine. However when I came to test the whole setup the commanders position coms wouldn’t work. It turned out that one of the six cables had a break in it, I only needed three but sods law said that one of the three had a  break in it, I suppose that is why the cable was binned.

The radios are of course just covers, the main intercom box is in one and the other is empty, apart from cables. However, I have put 2 LED’s in the wave length windows to light them up and so that I can tell if the units are switched on. The intercoms are turned on by the on/off button on the front of the left hand unit and the radio operators head set, throat mike plugs in to the front of the left radio, as per the original.

That’s it for now.


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